The Robotics club is offered to give students an opportunity to have fun and learn about robotics. During club meetings, the students will learn to use the components of the kits to build robots. Problem solving and logical thinking skills will be emphasized. Students will be provided with meaningful, practical opportunities to apply science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) concepts through robotics. The afterschool club will allow for fun, hands on learning through real life problem solving. Some students will have the opportunity to participate on a robotics team in at least two competitions during the year.
If you have any questions or comments about Robotics Club please email Mrs.Gray at jgray@plainfield.k12.in.us

The MATH Bowl team is open to all 4th and 5th grade students. There are multiple meetings that take place before or after school in order to prepare team members for a culminating competition in which the team will compete against other elementary schools in the district and the surrounding areas. The competition will be made up of four rounds with a maximum of five different team members competing in each round. Each round shall consist of eight multiple-choice questions, varying in difficulty. The competition will be based on The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics publication Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics. This includes thirteen curriculum standards.