LOST AND FOUND: All items will be donated on 3/20
24-25 Yearbook Sales: Order your 24-25 PCMS Yearbook before April 1st by using the link below. Don't miss out, these books are 45% larger than last year! https://store.geskusphoto.com/cart/01J7PHYZGNXJN28PS7GJGX7CST/catalog The cost is $38
March's Lunch and Learn will feature an exciting combo presentation! We will have two speakers discussing their experiences as college and professional athletes. Carl Nicks, a former ISU basketball standout who played alongside Larry Bird, will be joining us. He spent several years in the NBA and is currently a scout for the Pacers. Alongside him, our very own Rob Wann, also known as "Ref Rob," will be speaking. Here is the link for sign-ups for anyone who would like to attend.
PCMS Community Clothing Drive: Donate your gently used clothes!! Donations can be dropped off in boxes around the school. Items needed include: jeans, sweatshirts, sweatpants, jackets, shorts, kids and baby clothes. Items should be clean, gently used, and no holes. The drive runs March 3rd-19th. Donation boxes will be located all around the school. All items donated will go to St. Marks in Plainfield.
Middle School Roller Skating Party: March 19th, 6-8pm at Roller City Skate 6445 West Washington St. $10 entry fee. See Ms. Reeves in student services for a permission slip. Bus transportation MIGHT be provided if there are enough students to fill the bus.
Registration is open for the Plainfield Teenage Baseball League through April 6th. http://www.plainfieldbaberuth.com
Attn 8th Graders: PHS Cheerleading tryouts ! Interested prospective cheerleaders, please fill out the virtual call out form at this link: PHS Cheerleading Virtual Call Out In-Person Clinics & Tryouts (@PHS main gym): Instagram: @plainfieldhscheer, Facebook: Plainfield High School Cheerleading
Clinic Day 1: March 17...3:30-5:00
Clinic Day 1: March 18...3:30-5:00
Final Tryout: March 19...3:30-until completed
PCMS 7th grade baseball workouts: March 10th from 3:00-5:00 (if outside), 3:00-4:30 (if inside). Also, March 13th from 3:00-5:00 (inside or outside). A sports physical must be on file along with all electronic forms completed in Final Forms
Spring Sport Tryout Information: You must be registered in Final Forms (Use this link) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YDDdG-IWXYUfvTCw4abBOjyfrPruFST-iVBhgr7DvaQ/edit?tab=t.0
BASEBALL (7th Grade) “ TRYOUTS begin March 17, 3:00 to 5:00 (report to West Gym). First game April 16.
BASEBALL (8th Grade) “ TRYOUTS begin March 17, 3:00 to 5:00 (report to West Gym). First game April 16.
GOLF Boys (6/7/8) “ TRYOUTS begin March 17, 3:15 to 5:15 (report to Deer Creek GC). First match April 14. Families are responsible for transportation to and from Deer Creek throughout the season. Must have your own golf clubs
SOFTBALL (7th Grade) “ TRYOUTS begin March 17, 3:00 to 5:30 (report to West Gym). First game April 14.
SOFTBALL (8th Grade) “ TRYOUTS begin March 17, 3:00 to 5:30 (report to West Gym). First game April 14.
TENNIS Girls (6/7/8) “ TRYOUTS begin March 17 3:15 to 4:45 (report to courts). First match April 14.
TRACK & FIELD (6/7/8) “ TRYOUTS begin March 17, 3:00-4:15 (report to East Gym). First meet April 10.
Today's Activities:
County swim championship is tonight at PHS, 6:00