
LOST AND FOUND: All items will be donated on 3/20

24-25 Yearbook Sales: Order your 24-25 PCMS Yearbook before April 1st by using the link below.  Don't miss out, these books are 45% larger than last year! https://store.geskusphoto.com/cart/01J7PHYZGNXJN28PS7GJGX7CST/catalog The cost is $38

March's Lunch and Learn will feature an exciting combo presentation! We will have two speakers discussing their experiences as college and professional athletes. Carl Nicks, a former ISU basketball standout who played alongside Larry Bird, will be joining us. He spent several years in the NBA and is currently a scout for the Pacers. Alongside him, our very own Rob Wann, also known as "Ref Rob," will be speaking. Here is the link for sign-ups for anyone who would like to attend.

PCMS Community Clothing Drive: Donate your gently used clothes!! Donations can be dropped off in boxes around the school. Items needed include: jeans, sweatshirts, sweatpants, jackets, shorts, kids and baby clothes. Items should be clean, gently used, and no holes. The drive runs March 3rd-19th. Donation boxes will be located all around the school. All items donated will go to St. Marks in Plainfield.

Middle School Roller Skating Party: March 19th, 6-8pm at Roller City Skate 6445 West Washington St. $10 entry fee. See Ms. Reeves in student services for a permission slip. Bus transportation MIGHT be provided if there are enough students to fill the bus.

Registration is open for the Plainfield Teenage Baseball League through April 6th. http://www.plainfieldbaberuth.com

Attn 8th Graders: PHS Cheerleading tryouts ! Interested prospective cheerleaders, please fill out the virtual call out form at this link:  PHS Cheerleading Virtual Call Out In-Person Clinics & Tryouts (@PHS main gym): Instagram: @plainfieldhscheer, Facebook: Plainfield High School Cheerleading

  • Clinic Day 1: March 17...3:30-5:00

  • Clinic Day 1: March 18...3:30-5:00

  • Final Tryout:  March 19...3:30-until completed

PCMS 7th grade baseball workouts: March 10th from 3:00-5:00 (if outside), 3:00-4:30 (if inside). Also, March 13th from 3:00-5:00 (inside or outside). A sports physical must be on file along with all electronic forms completed in Final Forms


Spring Sport Tryout Information: You must be registered in Final Forms (Use this link) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YDDdG-IWXYUfvTCw4abBOjyfrPruFST-iVBhgr7DvaQ/edit?tab=t.0

  • BASEBALL (7th Grade) “ TRYOUTS begin  March 17, 3:00 to 5:00 (report to West Gym). First game April 16.  

  • BASEBALL (8th Grade) “ TRYOUTS begin  March 17, 3:00 to 5:00 (report to West Gym). First game April 16.

  • GOLF Boys (6/7/8) “ TRYOUTS begin  March 17, 3:15 to 5:15 (report to Deer Creek GC). First match April 14.  Families are responsible for transportation to and from Deer Creek throughout the season. Must have your own golf clubs

  • SOFTBALL (7th Grade) “ TRYOUTS begin  March 17, 3:00 to 5:30 (report to West Gym). First game April 14.

  • SOFTBALL (8th Grade) “ TRYOUTS begin  March 17, 3:00 to 5:30 (report to West Gym). First game April 14.

  • TENNIS Girls (6/7/8) “ TRYOUTS begin  March 17 3:15 to 4:45 (report to courts). First match April 14.

  • TRACK & FIELD (6/7/8) “ TRYOUTS begin March 17, 3:00-4:15 (report to East Gym). First meet April 10.

Today's Activities:

  • County swim championship is tonight at PHS, 6:00