Artist with pipe cleaners

We had the joy of hosting local artist Kylin Brown two different weeks at the Imagination Lab for our Artist in Residency program!  Kylin is a graduate of Ivy Tech Community College in Indianapolis where she earned her Associates in Fine Art degree.

Pipe Cleaner Sculpture and Artwork Installation 

Kylin’s first project with us in February was a collaborative sculpture with K-1st grades. This project emphasized collaboration. She showed the students a new use of an everyday craft item (pipe cleaners), gave an example of a lightweight sculpture, and allowed them to practice their fine motor skills.

The kids worked with warm and cool colors, noticed the texture of the material, and created small structures. The shapes were later added into larger structures which became the sculpture that seems to float above them.

The idea of abstract art was presented and they were each allowed to use their imagination and say what the sculpture pieces reminded them off. Coral reef, DNA, the sky, wires, and clouds were the most popular answers.

The Imagination Cloud is the final title for this collaborative piece by our Kindergarten and 1st grade students! It is currently on display at the Imagination Lab.

Working with Watercolors and Deconstructing Art

Kylin’s second week with us was spent with 3rd grade teaching watercolor washes.

She discussed and demonstrated watercolor washes and then allowed the students to mix colors and paint pieces of paper however they liked. They allowed the colors to run together and see how it mixed and dried.

She encouraged them to cut or tear their colorful paper. In doing this the children learned the “destruction” part of the process of artwork. After they deconstructed their art the kids glued the pieces on to a new background piece. Some chose representational landscapes and some were abstract. 

Kylin used a few of the watercolor scraps students left behind and collaged it into a tiny image that will stay at the Imagination Lab. The title of this piece is More Beautiful Together.

During our 5th grade Odyssey time, she demonstrated how she creates her own artwork to the 5th graders. They asked great questions about her process and work as an artist! 

We thank Kylin for engaging and providing artistic tips to our students during her two week residency at the lab!

Artist Biography

Kylin Brown is an Indiana born artist residing in Plainfield, IN. When she is not working in her studio or sharing her love for art with kids of all ages, Kylin enjoys yoga and staying active with her two children.

While her personal work is mainly oil paintings, Kylin enjoys incorporating charcoal and graphite into her work, creating interesting sculptures out of recycled material, as well as window displays and murals.

Kylin’s work is on display this spring around Indianapolis, including Lost Dog Art Gallery, New Day Craft, Eagle Creek Park, and Launch Indy. She will be a featured artist at both the Plainfield-Guilford Township Library and the Murphy Art Center First Friday in May 2020. She is currently prepping work for a solo show at Garfield Park Arts Center scheduled for this fall.