Investigating shadows

Two Central Elementary 5th grade classes spent this morning on a modified Odyssey at The Imagination Lab that included new practices of social distancing, wearing masks, and sanitizing hands.

Only two classes are at The Lab at a time, and working in separate spaces on different activities.  The other two 5th grade classes from Central will visit tomorrow.  

Over the next two weeks we plan to see all the rest of the 5th grade students in the district for their first hands-on learning experience -- designing a tool for 3D printing or building a model of a house to investigate shadows.

Two third-grade classes came for an Odyssey this afternoon.  One class investigated rocks and minerals while the other used Design Thinking to invent a time keeping device for the fictional planet Tempero.

The rest of the 3rd grade students will visit over the next two weeks, followed by grades 2 and 4. We're looking forward to wrapping up the first round of student visits for this semester with 1st grade and Kindergarten, who will experience their very first Odyssey!

Check out our Odyssey Schedule for 2020 and check back for more photos and information.