The following links provide greater detail on many topics.
American Psychological Association
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
National Association of School Psychologists
American Academy of Pediatrics
Positive Parenting: Peace Begins at Home
Hendricks County Health Partnership
Mental Health Resources of Hendricks County

At Van Buren Elementary School, we are constantly working to provide comprehensive counseling support to students through the collaborative efforts of parents, teachers, staff, community partners and school counselors.
All of our work, though, is done through the lens of the Bucket Fillers program. The Bucket Fillers program is the backbone of our school value system and is woven into all classroom behavior plans. Students learn to value all students, treating one another with kindness and respect. They experience firsthand that how they treat others has a direct impact on their own self-esteem. And they learn that all actions and words either build up or tear down others.
Our school counselor teaches monthly character education lessons founded in the Bucket Filler program. Topics include: bucket fillers have good self-esteem; bucket fillers know the right and wrong way to express themselves; bucket fillers are caring people; bucket fillers think before they act; bucket fillers are respectful and honest; bucket fillers are not bullies; bucket fillers are team players; bucket fillers get along with others; and bucket fillers have the power to choose.