At the May school board meeting, the Little Quakers Academy (LQA) enrollment procedures were modified to allow applications from non-resident students for the Full-Day Program for the 2019-2020 school year.
This will allow PCSC to maintain reasonable class sizes and continue to provide the best education for all students. Non-residents students may remain enrolled until kindergarten age eligible. \r\n
\r\nEnrollment for non-resident students for the 2019-2020 school year, meeting the above criteria, will begin Monday, May 13 and go through June 3, 2019 or until full day enrollment is at capacity (first come, first served).
\r\nTo complete an enrollment form, please click here. \r\n
\r\nCompleted applications will be accepted beginning at 8:00 am., Monday, May 13th in the Clarks Creek Elementary main office (Door #1).\r\n
\r\nFor questions, please contact Debbie Dick at 317-754-2375.