Dear Brentwood Family,
At Plainfield Community School Corporation your children's safety is an extremely important priority. That is why this year we have implemented new security measures that you will notice upon entering our front office. You will now be required to present your driver's license or state issued ID card to the office staff. They will scan the barcode on your ID and take your photograph. An ID sticker will be printed that will be worn during your visit at Brentwood. All visitors will also sign-out by having the same sticker scanned upon exiting the office. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE THE BUILDING FROM ANY OTHER EXIT.
A driver's license or state issued ID card will be required every time you want to enter our school past the office area. This includes any adult visiting a student for lunch, having a meeting with a teacher, talking with the nurse, or helping in a classroom.
The ONLY exception this year for this procedure will be to walk your child to their class the very first day of school as we will have staff members present in the hallways as well as other security personnel present. AFTER the first morning ALL visitors will be required to check in through our Safe Visitor Solutions system.
We thank all our friends and family in advance for their help with this new procedure. We will see all your children on Tuesday!