Arrival and Dismissal Procedures (Please read and note important changes)
Central Elementary uses a number system for students who are car riders. Make sure to list in your car rider request sheet all parent names and anyone else, such as a grandparent, aunt/uncle or babysitter, who will be picking up your child. Providing a safe arrival and dismissal system is extremely important to all of the staff at Central Elementary. We have made a few changes to the arrival and dismissal procedures from last year to increase our safety measures by reducing the number of students/parents walking in the horseshoe parking lot during times of increased car traffic at the school (8:30 am to 9:00 am and 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm).
The front parking lot (horseshoe) is for visitors and volunteers only. Please do not park in the horseshoe during arrival/dismissal times.
Children should not exit the car until the morning bell rings at 8:30 am.
Parents who walk up to the building to drop off/pick up their child(ren) need to park in the funeral home parking lot and cross Wabash Street by using the designated crosswalk location.
A staff member will be at the crosswalk to help with traffic.
The staff parking lot on the southside of the school should not be used by parents to drop off or pick up their child(ren).
The front office staff begins the dismissal process at 3:40 pm. Students leaving early (doctor appointments, etc…) should be picked up no later than 3:30 pm. If parents arrive after that time, they will need to follow the car rider dismissal procedures.
Arrival- If your child will be dropped off by a parent or guardian in the morning, please follow these procedures:
Enter the parking lot from Wabash Street and pull forward to the end of the horseshoe to let your child get out of the car on the passenger side. School doors are locked until 8:30 am. Once doors are unlocked and staff members appear, your child may exit the car.
Parents who want to walk their students to the school entrance should park in the funeral home parking lot. There is a crosswalk that families should use to cross Wabash Street. There will be a staff member at the crosswalk to help with traffic.
Dismissal- If your child will be picked up by a parent or guardian in the afternoon, please follow these procedures.
Place the Car Rider number tag in your front car window for pick up. Enter off of US 40 onto Wabash Street. There will be two lines, which form into one line around our horseshoe. A staff member will radio for your child to be walked out through door #1.
Parents who want to walk up to get their child will need to park in the funeral home parking lot. Parents will line up next to the half wall near the horseshoe. Please have your car rider number with you when picking up your child. A staff member will radio for your child to be walked out through door #1.