Our School
Our Academics
Dear Parents,
We have put together a list of fun and educational websites that our students can use from home. Some of these websites require you to set up a free account in order to get started, while others are just click and go. This is certainly a very short list, we encourage you to help your child locate other sites to help them learn, but please, make sure to always supervise ANY website your child visits.
www.abcya.com pre-K through Grade 5
www.starfall.com pre-K through Grade 2
www.PBSkids.org a trusted place for kids to learn
www.funbrain.com math and reading games
www.bbc.co.uk/schools/typing/ Dance Mat Typing – keyboarding
www.typing.com self-guided keyboarding tutorials
www.cookie.com online educational games for K - 2
www.sumdog.com sign up is free, some students have account from their classroom
www.coolmath4kids.com fun math website
www.oswego.org/ocsd-web/games/mathmagician/cathymath.html This website is called Math Magician. Students can review math facts of all kinds.
www.xtramath.org supplemental math lessons, sign up for free!
www.quizlet.com creative study tools and apps make studying FUN! Create a free account
www.plainfieldlibrary.net Plainfield Public Library
www.readingeggs.com reading
www.mobymax.com/in287 all subjects
www.educationcity.com all subjects
www.learning.com computer skills
www.raz-kids.com reading, writing & science