Collaboration, exercise, fundraising = success!

The rain held off. Mostly. The temps were mild. Or chilly. The energy was contagious. Honestly. 


The 2017 PCSC Elementary Walkathon is in the books, and thanks to support from parents, volunteers, local businesses, and enthusiastic students, the 2018-2019 academic year will once again include field trips, convocations and programs for all elementary students. At no cost. 



That's because yesterday's event marked the culmination of hours, weeks and months of planning, resulting in more than $64,000 in profit.


While many of the Walkathon organizers belong to their children's elementary PTO, the truth is, this isn't a PTO event. It's a volunteer event. 



Beginning in October each year for four years now, two parents from each of the four elementary schools meet monthly to plan, organize, recruit, and make sure every detail is attended to on the big day. On the day of the walk, dozens more parents, grandparents and volunteers come out in droves to walk with students, check in volunteers, and pass out bananas and water. 


At each of the two sites (Brentwood and Clarks Creek students walk together, while Central and Van Buren students join forces as well), students are greeted by police and fire officials. They go through warmups led by local dance/exercise instructors to the pulsing beat of loud, upbeat music. And they walk a mile through the neighborhoods surrounding their respective schools. In at least one case, a homeowner hung a banner encouraging the students on their walk.



Funds are raised in a couple of ways. Local businesses are incredibly generous, as their sponsorships cover the costs required to create an event of this magnitude. Then each student is encouraged to "Be Sporty. Raise Forty."  If each student raises $40 in walk sponsorships, the event is a success. 


Superintendent Olinger, several school board members and local police and fire officials participate in the big day. Students are surrounded on Walkathon day, just like every day, by the adults of a caring and supportive community. On behalf of the Walkathon Committee, we thank everyone who played a role in this year's success.















