History of the Building
The building that now houses Clarks Creek Elementary School began its life as Plainfield Community Middle School in 1991. That's why this facility has some amenities not usually seen at an elementary, such as the When the new high school opened in 2008, the middle school moved to its current location on Stafford Road. At that time, the building became the hub for all 4th and 5th grade students in the district. It became the K-5 Clarks Creek Elementary building that we know today in 2012.
Why is it Clarks Creek and not Clark's Creek?
We have to go way back in history to learn why there is not an apostrophe in Clarks Creek! When the county was being laid out, three creeks were named after George Rogers Clark and his important role in Indiana history. The person who took the names of the three creeks to be made official with the county presented the names as George Creek, Rogers Creek, and Clarks Creek (no apostrophe). Once the county clerk wrote them down, they were official, and Clarks Creek was marked into history with no apostrophe! In the picture below you can see where all three creeks are in town. Strangely, this same body of water is identified as Clarks Creek in the area below and also farther north, right behind our school, with George Creek interrupting it for a short distance.