Transportation/Bus Information


  • What’s my bus number? 
  • Where’s my bus stop? 
  • When will the bus pick me up and drop me off? 

As we get closer to the beginning of the school year, we know you are interested to know how bus service will work for your child this year.  

Beginning Monday, July 24th, you will be able to see student bus information from your PowerSchool account. This will include the bus number, bus stop location, and pick-up and drop-off times.  All kindergarten students and all students new to the district will receive a phone call before Monday, July 31st from the bus driver with that same information.  Pick-up and drop-off times shown in PowerSchool reflect any road construction taking place.  For example those impacted by the Hadley Rd. closure will see times that take this into account. Of course, times on the first few days of school are likely to be a bit delayed.  If you have moved after you filled out the student registration, you will need to fill out a transportation form and turn it into the office to make sure your child is routed correctly. You can find that form on the documents page of our website. 

To fill out the transportation form click here