We are lucky to be part of one of the best high schools in the state of Indiana. Our students and staff met the challenges we all faced this spring with unparalleled resolve and flexibility. We are proud of how well we finished the 2019-2020 school year and look forward to an even better 2020-2021.
There will be obstacles to overcome this year, but we will rise to those challenges led by an outstanding faculty who are motivated to do what is best for all students. This motivation has led us to develop a plan as a school and district that will allow us to return to school on August 5th with our students.
The links below share out the details of each portion of our plan. These are all critical pieces to our return to in person school. We are hopeful that these plans will allow us to return to school safely. We also know that these plans might need to be modified throughout the year based on new information from health care professionals and what we learn from living the plan.
Infographic links
Extracurricular Activities / Clubs
If you have questions about portions of the plan, please contact the appropriate staff member and we will do our best to get you the answers that you need. If after reading this message you have concerns about your child returning to PHS, please let us know so we can plan for how best to support your student.