Greetings from Plainfield High School,
It is time to begin planning for the 2021-2022 school year. In a typical year, this process included group presentations for students and a Priority Scheduling Night for families. This year we are using Google Sites to organize this same information with videos, slides, and documents to help students make these important decisions. We are asking students at this time to use this information to prepare and plan prior to officially entering class selections into PowerSchool next month. Each student will be met with by his or her counselor (in-person or virtually) to review and approve all selections between January and March. Parents are always welcome to reach out with questions any time during this process.
Please take some time to look at both of these sites and watch the applicable videos.
Below is a timeline of upcoming scheduling events
- Wednesday, December 2nd : All students and families will be emailed information and resources to begin planning their classes for next school year. Hard copies of planning forms can be found outside the Guidance office for each grade level.
- Monday, December 7th: Students will be emailed a Google Plan form link to submit their plan. Students will have time during their 5th period class this week to complete this form.
- Friday, December 11th: This is the deadline for students to complete their Google Plan form.
- Monday, December 14th: Students and parents will be emailed a copy of their submitted course plan.
- Wednesday, January 6th: PowerSchool opens and students can begin entering their selections during SMART period.
- January - March: Counselors will individually meet with students to review their plan and selections
We hope that you find these resources are helpful. We encourage students to ask their teachers, counselors, and administrators questions about courses.