If one were to walk into the McAllister’s Deli in Plainfield, they likely would not think that they were seeing anything remarkable -- but just beyond their sight, they would find junior Jaela Mainah. \t\t
Out of sight from the public eye, Mainah is a master of all trades, diligently working on both the customer’s order, as well as her own schedule as she multitasks her job with her thoughts of school and management of the school’s volleyball team.
“Sometimes it makes me anxious, just thinking about all the things I have to do in one day, but it also makes me proud that I’m capable of doing that many things. It just makes me feel kind of special,” she explained.
A typical weekday for Mainah begins at 6 a.m, when she wakes and begins her morning routine in preparation for a day of school. Her schedule consists of classes including Yearbook, Pre-Calc and Trig Honors and CHAP. With a day full of difficult classes like these, it’s hard not to wonder how she can keep track of the work she’s assigned. Mainah described her organizational technique as, “putting a lot of scheduling for school and games in my notes and taking pictures of schedules and anything like that so I can always look back to it if I forget something.” This is the routine that has helped her to stay on track with her schoolwork, as well as all of the other activities she must fit into her day-to-day schedule. “I think that the things that I’m doing now are preparing me for the future,” she said, “because when I go to college and I have to work at the same time, this is just setting me up and getting me ready for the future.”
Next on her itinerary is to attend practice for the school’s volleyball team, which she manages with her twin sister Kiera. Some of her responsibilities in sports management include picking up stray volleyballs, helping the coach with decisions and assisting the coach with various tasks such as getting ice and cleaning materials. Despite the weight of these obligations, she considers sports management to be a highlight of her day. “I think the most positive experience I had, especially during volleyball, was meeting new people,” said Mainah.
By the time a typical day of practice has finished, it is already around 5 p.m. But her day is still far from over, as she now has to head to work.
Before arriving at her job, she makes a quick stop at home — her first since she left for school in the morning — to change into her uniform shirt and a pair of khakis. She arrives at McAllister’s Deli and quickly gets to work. Some of the specific tasks she must carry out include preparing items like potatoes and salads for the customers and gathering the food together for it to be served. “My motivation is kind of just being independent and preparing for the future,” she said. “When I’m busy doing something, I’m usually thinking about the other things that I’m going to have to do later. My brain is always working.”