Three. That’s the number of lives helped by a single donation of blood. Multiply that by the number of possible donors in our school, and Plainfield High School could potentially help over 2,500 lives. The Plainfield Student Government sponsors this blood drive twice every school year, encouraging students to donate. Sign-ups for this event took place during lunch the week of November 7th-11th, with the Drive being held throughout the school day November 15th. To be eligible to donate you must be at least 16 years old with a signed parent/guardian consent form or 17+ years old without the form. There are a few other requirements for donors involving height, weight, and health issues, all of which can be found when signing up to donate. Donors will have a mini-physical that they must pass, which will be given the day of the Blood Drive, during their slotted donation time. While the entire process of paperwork, physical, donation, and recovery takes about an hour, the actual blood donation is only 8-10 minutes long! Did I mention that the “recovery” portion is just sitting, eating food, and drinking pop?
One of the reasons people give for not wanting to donate is their fear of needles, but have no fear, because these are trained professionals who know what they are doing. There is a slight pinch (we’ve all felt the much worse pain of stepping on a Lego), and then you’re well on your way to saving lives! One of the top reasons people give blood is because they want to help people. Let’s bring that mantra to Plainfield High School and increase our donor turn-out from last year. The goal this year was to have every donation slot filled! So “raise your sleeve” and donate, Plainfield.