Daily Announcements for Wednesday, August 1 are posted on the website: http://tinyurl.com/hwr3asu
over 6 years ago, PHS Announcements
SENIORS: The HCCF Scholarship Application is now live! Get started today so you have enough time to thoroughly complete your app and letters of recommendation! Please see Mr. Reber or your guidance counselor if you have questions!
over 6 years ago, Michael Menser
HCCF Scholarship
STUDENTS: A reminder that an all-sports athletic pass is only $35 for the entire year. Pick one up in the PHS Athletic Office.
over 6 years ago, Michael Menser
All sport passes
Tomorrow we will follow our SMART bell schedule. Please see the picture for Wednesday's schedule.
over 6 years ago, Michael Menser
SMART bell schedule
First day of school for students is tomorrow, July 31st! A reminder of the bell schedule for P.H.S.
over 6 years ago, Michael Menser
2018-19 bell schedule
Freshman Parent Information Night PowerPoint link: http://5il.co/452h
over 6 years ago, Michael Menser
9th Parent Information PPT
Just a reminder to students attending the Area 31Career Center, classes start this Thursday, 7/26! Our AM bus will leave PHS from Door 7 at 6:45. Our PM bus will leave at 11:20 from Door 1.
over 6 years ago, PHS Guidance
SENIORS - SAVE THE DATE....Senior college planning night is scheduled for Tuesday, August 14th at 6:00 p.m.
over 6 years ago, Michael Menser
Senior College Planning Night
Area 31 Career Center classes begin on the 26th. For more information click on the news link: http://www.plainfield.k12.in.us/article/54503
over 6 years ago, Michael Menser
REMINDER: Students enrolled in the English Honors classes are expected to read during the summer break.- https://quakersread.weebly.com/
over 6 years ago, Michael Menser
PTO meetings have been set for the 2018-19 school year. Please mark your calendars and join this organization - http://www.plainfield.k12.in.us/o/plainfield-high-school/page/pto--2
over 6 years ago, Michael Menser
UPDATED SCHEDULE - NEW STUDENT AND FRESHMEN ORIENTATION - Mark your calendars for July 24th (9:00 am - 11:30 am).
over 6 years ago, Michael Menser
Freshmen orientation
2018-19 Plainfield High School Parking Permit Application: http://5il.co/3y6q
over 6 years ago, Michael Menser
Parents: LunchApp.com is now accepting online applications for meal assistance, via this link: https://lunchapp.com/
over 6 years ago, PCSC
LunchApp.com is now accepting applications for meal benefits for students in Plainfield Schools.
Wondering when your PHS student can pick up their device (laptop)? Wonder no more! #QuakerFaces
over 6 years ago, PCSC
Schedule for PHS student distribution of laptops
Blood drive TOMORROW! Critical need right now, so please lend a hand (or your arm, vein ...) if you're able! #QuakerFaces
almost 7 years ago, PCSC
PHS Band Booster Blood Drive, June 15, 2018 3-8 pm at PHS. Enter door 21 or door 7.
School Board meeting tonight! 7:00 pm in the Administration Building; enter Door #2!
almost 7 years ago, PCSC
School Board Meeting Tonight; 7 pm; Administration Building - Board Room
Youth Camps start soon. For more info follow the link below... http://www.plainfield.k12.in.us/o/athletics/browse/2818
almost 7 years ago, Torrey Rodkey
Youth Camp Chart
Daily Announcements for Tuesday, May 22 are posted on the website: http://tinyurl.com/hwr3asu
almost 7 years ago, PHS Announcements
Summer school registration is still open! Register online for IOA & turn in a green sheet. See Mrs. Spangler to register for summer school at PHS. Stop by guidance for both forms.
almost 7 years ago, PHS Guidance