PHS is hosting a ZAPS ACT test-prep seminar on March 12th & 13th. Register online https://store.zaps.com/seminarinformation/act-seminar-details?id=7991

Daily Announcements for Thursday, March 8 are posted on the website: http://tinyurl.com/hwr3asu

The Indianapolis Zoo is offering students a chance to explore zoo careers. http://www.indianapoliszoo.com/conservation-and-education/education/family-youth-experiences/saturday-science-programs

Join PHS AP Physics students at Physics For All on March 14TH - 5:30-7:30 pm

P.H.S. Spring play - Save the date (4/19 - 4/21)!!!

Let's Talk! Visit informally with the Board of School Trustees and administrators! Monday, 3/12, 6:00 pm at the Administration Building. Enter Door #2. All are welcome.

Seniors interested in pursing a career in education should stop by and pick up a scholarship application from the Hendricks County Retired Teachers Association. See Mr. Reber for an application.

Daily Announcements for Tuesday, March 6 are posted on the website: http://tinyurl.com/hwr3asu

This Friday is the registration deadline for the April 14th ACT hosted by PHS. College bound juniors should consider registering! http://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act/registration.html

MONDAY SCHEDULE REMINDER:Seniors don't forget, our Finalizing Your Financial Aid Night is TONIGHT at 6:00 pm in the LGI Room!

Congrats to the PHS Varsity Winter Guard on advancing to IHSCGA semi-state on Saturday!

Congratulations to our movement percussion on placing second on Saturday.

Congratulations to our PHS concert percussion ensemble on a first place finish on Saturday.

Good Luck to the following PHS groups in their competitions this weekend:
PHS Track & Field at the UINDY indoor meet tonight at 5:30
Winter Guard at Mooresville High School, Saturday
Winter Percussion at New Palestine High School, Saturday
PHS Show Choirs at Avon High School, Saturday

PHS is hosting a ZAPS ACT Test-Prep Seminar on March 12th & 13th. Register online at https://store.zaps.com/seminarinformation/act-seminar-details?id=7991

Support Plainfield Band Programs, enjoy good food and take good friends.

And just like that, it's time to register students for the 2018-2019 school year! http://www.plainfield.k12.in.us/o/plainfield-high-school/page/online-registration--20

Daily Announcements for Thursday, March 1 are posted on the website: http://tinyurl.com/hwr3asu

Have FAFSA and/or financial aid questions? Bring your family to PHS on Monday, 3/5, at 6:00 pm. Representatives from INvestEd Indiana will be here to help make sense of it all.

Daily Announcements for Tuesday, February 27 are posted on the website: http://tinyurl.com/hwr3asu