Scott Olinger
Contact Mr. Olinger: solinger@plainfield.k12.in.us
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Jennifer Miller, jennifermiller@plainfield.k12.in.us
After completing a nationwide search that included candidates from Indiana and other states, the Plainfield School Board in 2008 selected Plainfield High School Principal Scott Olinger as the Corporation's next Superintendent of Schools.
With Bachelor's and Masters degrees from Butler University, most of Scott's teaching career took place in Central Indiana. In 2002, he was named Principal of Batesville High School. Before moving to Plainfield High School in 2005, Scott was named District 10 Principal of the Year.
Scott earned his Education Specialist degree from Indiana State University in 2005.
Plainfield stakeholders were asked for their input into the selection of the superintendent, and recommendations included someone who was a community-minded leader, focused on and committed to students. In addition, having a vision, being an excellent communicator and an outstanding role model topped the list.

Mark Shayotovich
Contact Mr. Shayotovich: mshayotovich@plainfield.k12.in.us
Mark Shayotovich is Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations for Plainfield Community School Corporation. In that role he oversees the district business office and budgets, and manages all construction projects and building maintenance.
He previously served as the Director of Business Affairs for Clay Community Schools, from 2013-2022. Prior to that, he served as a teacher in the Business Department at MSD Wayne Township for over ten years.
Mr. Shayotovich holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Purdue University, and completed a Masters in Teaching from University of Indianapolis in 2005. He is prepared to receive his Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Indiana State University in May 2022. He is also a former Certified Public Accountant.

Laura DelVecchio
Contact Dr. DelVecchio: ldelvecchio@plainfield.k12.in.us
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Sarah Walker, swalker@plainfield.k12.in.us
Laura DelVecchio is the Assistant Superintendent for Student Learning. In that role, she oversees curriculum and programming, and provides support to the food services, transportation and nursing program for all Plainfield schools.
Laura earned her bachelor's degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1991, her master's degree from Simmons College in 1994, her curriculum and leadership license in 2006 from the University of Colorado, and in 2016, her Education Leadership in the Superintendency doctoral degree from Oakland City University.
Laura's background includes a focus on special education and early childhood education. In 2009 she became a principal in early intervention and preschool in Colorado Springs (CO), then became the assistant director of Special Education for that school corporation. In 2011, she came to Plainfield as the Director of Special Education, a role that transitioned to Director of Student Learning. In 2020, she was named Assistant Superintendent of Student Services.