Reconsideration of Library Materials
Reconsideration of Library Materials Form
A process for submitting criticism of approved materials shall be established and followed (Board Policy K-15). A formal, signed complaint, using the attached form, may be submitted for committee evaluation. Based on Board Policy K-15, challenged materials typically fall into three categories: religion, ideology, or profanity/obscenity. Board policy regarding these areas is as follows:
Religion: factual, unbiased material which represents all major religions shall be included in the media center collections.
Ideologies: the media centers shall, with no thought toward swaying reader judgement, make available basic primary and factual material and information on the level of their reading public, on any ideology or philosophy of government which exerts or has exerted a strong force, either favorably or unfavorably, in government, current events, politics, education or any phase of life.
Profanity/obscenity: materials shall be subjected to a test of literary merit and reality by the media specialist and teachers who will take into consideration their reading public and community standards of morality.
In all cases, the decision shall be made on the basis of whether the material presents life in its true proportions, whether circumstances are realistically dealt with, and whether the book has literary or social value. Factual material shall be included in the media center collections.