Congratulations are in order to Plainfield High School journalism teacher and publications adviser, Michelle Burress, as she was recently recognized with the Ella Sengenberger Adviser of the Year Award by the Indiana High School Press Association (IHSPA). Awarded last week at the IHSPA's state convention, the award recognizes an adviser who has made outstanding contributions to scholastic journalism both in their own classroom and across the state.
Ella Sengenberger was a founding member of the IHSPA, and was a nationally-recognized adviser at Indianapolis Arsenal Technical High School.
Previously named Indiana's top journalism educator, Burress' students and publications have been awarded numerous honors on the state and national levels. The selection committee is made up of five of the nation's top minds in scholastic journalism, further elevating the honor.
PHS students publish a newsmagazine and yearbook, and as noted above, both have a lengthy history of honors.
Please join us in congratulating Michelle on this wonderful honor.