In challenging times, our community steps up in untold ways, and this past week was another shining example.
Local RhinoShield owner, Ron Smith, had been searching for a meaningful way to make an impact. He and his daughter, a PHS student who is involved in the school's Interact Club, realized there were needs within the community, and set about finding a way to meet at least some of those needs.
With Easter approaching, their thoughts turned to providing 100 families with a traditional Easter meal. Counselors from Plainfield Schools then contacted families, inviting them to come to the drive-through distribution on Friday afternoon.
Meals were also given to Family Promise, Sheltering Wings and the St. Mark's Food Pantry.
Ham, corn, green beans and mac&cheese filled the bags that were handed into cars by masked and gloved members of Smith's family.
We'll never know all of the kindnesses taking place throughout our community during this pandemic. But we do know this: the people of Plainfield have huge hearts and tremendous compassion.
@RhinoShieldIN @FamilyPromiseHendricksCounty @ShelteringWings