The saying, “it takes a village to raise a child,” has been used in many scenarios, and we often use it in public education, as well. Teachers are on the front line with our students, but there are many other, very important players, on the team.
And so it is that we are incredibly proud to share the news that the Guidance Department at Plainfield Community Middle School was recognized this week as a Gold Star School.
The official Department of Education definition is below, but Principal Pat Cooney had this to say:
“I am so proud of our school counselors and their dedication towards developing a comprehensive guidance program at PCMS to serve all of our students. Being the recipient of the Gold Star Counseling Award has been a three-year journey, which began by examining our programming, forming a group of stakeholders, and creating a new vision and mission to ensure our school counseling program is meeting the needs of our students in the areas of academics, career, and citizenship development. This award is one reserved for only for a select number of schools. It's truly an honor to know our counseling program is recognized for serving our students at such a high level."
What does it mean to be a Gold Star School in Indiana?
Gold Star Schools have demonstrated that they have developed a comprehensive and accountable school counseling and guidance program, aligned to Indiana School Counselor Standards, as well as national (ASCA) standards. Participating schools and school counseling programs have implemented a plan that includes the establishment of a program vision and mission, data-based accountability, standards-driven student guidance activities, counseling and advocacy, program management, the alignment of resources and an annual improvement plan. With the alignment of Gold Star to the Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP), recipients are eligible to apply for RAMP without having to meet additional requirements (other than the RAMP application fee).
284 schools have received the Gold Star Award since its inception in 2004 and of these, many have also gone on to be recognized by the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) with its highest, national award of Recognized ASCA Model Programs (RAMP).