On Friday, Indiana schools received guidance from the state’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, Jennifer McCormick, regarding ongoing discussions related to the 2020-2021 school year. You can read the report here: https://tinyurl.com/y7ul7rnd
As we’ve shared with you over these last few months, Plainfield Schools administrators have been working on several scenarios that we believe might frame these discussions in light of COVID-19. Today’s information, while still preliminary, allows us to begin putting more details to those plans.
This coming week, we will be engaged in a series of focused meetings, including one with all of the Hendricks County public school superintendents. While each school district will finalize its own plans, we want you to know we are working together to coordinate as many of the details as makes sense for our communities. And of course, the input of local health officials will continue to inform our decisions.
Please be patient with us as we digest this information and prepare our plans for the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. We are thrilled that our planning will include the opportunity to have students and staff back in our classrooms, but we will do so with great care.
As we say constantly, all decisions are based on the continued cooperation of the public. The best steps each of us can take is to practice social distancing and be diligent in our personal hygiene.