If you happen to be at PCMS today, you might wonder why so many teachers are wearing t-shirts with a giraffe on them! It's an important lesson, especially on a day when many of us awakened to horrific news of another mass shooting.
- A giraffe’s spots are much like human fingerprints. No two individual giraffes have exactly the same pattern.
- Because of their unusual shape, giraffes have a highly-specialized cardiovascular system that starts with an enormous heart. Their heart is two feet long and weighs up to 25 pounds.
- When drinking water, a giraffe's neck is too short to reach the ground. They become targets to predators as they awkwardly spread their front legs or kneel to get a drink. For this reason, giraffes will work together. While one giraffe drinks another will watch for predators.
So, what can we learn from these amazing animals?
- First, like the spots on a giraffe, we are all unique, and should remember to celebrate these differences.
- Second, think of the giraffe’s enormous heart and try to let kindness and compassion guide your decisions throughout the day.
- And most importantly, just like giraffes watch out for one another while drinking water, we too must protect and support each other.
We celebrate the teachers who 'stick their necks out' for students every day. And today, let's all try to remember the lesson behind the giraffe.