Let's give thanks for modern Science Fairs. The Clarks Creek Science Fair took place yesterday, and featured some very creative, well-researched projects by 4th grade students.
While some of us may not have loved their own Science Fair experiences, this example truly seemed to feature students who are more invested in their projects, with more enthusiasm. And let's remember, the ultimate point of a Science Fair isn't really about the color of your ribbon at the end of the day. It's the process of project management, putting newly-learned research skills to work, and then being able to tell your story.
This year, PHS Dual Credit students shared the judging duties. These are juniors and seniors taking high school courses that earn college credits, so their level of expertise is quite high. They volunteered for the task, based on their own schedules (no one missed class to be a judge).
For many of the high school students, it was a fun opportunity to visit Clarks Creek and re-live their own Science Fair memories. From the perspective of 4th grade teacher Ms. Miller, "Having PHS dual credit students serve as judges was a great experience! Our 4th grade students really look up to high school students, and as judges, they made this experience not only fun, but also helpful and engaging."
Many of the PHS students (some of whom are also cadet teachers) are juniors, and word on the street is that they've been told to expect a call next year! Nothing says "you're appreciated" like a repeat invitation!