Several PHS upperclassmen earned academic honors and awards this month, and we are thrilled to spotlight them here.
The Indiana Association of School Principals (IASP) sponsors the Rising Stars of Indiana program. Each Indiana high school is invited to recognize up to four students currently in the 11th grade, based on their academic achievement.
The Plainfield High School Rising Stars of Indiana Class of 2022 are Madeline Beebe, Nesha Brar, Cooper Springs and Karley Waugh.

Pictured left to right: Madeline Beebe, Nesha Brar (back center), Karley Waugh (front center), and Cooper Springs
The Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Program is designed to help raise the level of educational attainment in Indiana, increase awareness of the beneficial roles Indiana community foundations can play in their communities and encourage efforts of Lilly Endowment Community Scholars to engage with each other and with state leaders to improve quality of life in Indiana.
The Endowment believes that education at all levels is important to the personal, civic and economic well-being of Indiana’s residents and communities. This program aims to encourage many of Indiana’s most talented students to attend one of the state’s higher education institutions and, ultimately, pursue careers in Indiana.
The Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Program is administered by the Independent Colleges of Indiana and includes significant participation by the community foundations serving each of Indiana’s 92 counties.
PHS Class of 2021 member, Julia Muskat, was awarded a Lilly Scholarship.
Pictured: Julia Muskat
The U.S. Presidential Scholars Program was established in 1964 by executive order of the President, to recognize and honor some of our nation's most distinguished graduating high school seniors. The program has been expanded through the years to include students who demonstrate exceptional talent in the visual, creative and performing arts, or ability and accomplishment in career and technical education fields. Each year, up to 161 students are named as Presidential Scholars, one of the nation's highest honors for high school students.
The PHS seniors Salek Ahmed and Emily Burns have been awarded the U.S. Presidential Scholarship.
Pictured left to right: Salek Ahmed and Emily Burns
Congratulations to these outstanding students!