In case you've missed the announcements, today is #LotsOfSocks Day, in conjunction with #WDSD18 - which translates to World Down Syndrome Day. In an effort to increase awareness and understanding of Down syndrome, the United Nations declared March 21st as World Down Syndrome Day in 2012, and for every year thereafter.
The #LotsOfSocks effort is intended to get people asking "why are you wearing such crazy socks today," opening up the opportunity for discussion about Down syndrome, including the roles people with Down syndrome can play in our society.
At Clarks Creek Elementary, posters around the building reminded students and staff to sport their crazy socks today, and a quick visit into several classrooms found some pretty crazy sock options!
In addition to the fun and crazy socks, two Clarks Creek students dressed up in honor of World Down Syndrome Day, and with their parents' permission, we are pleased to feature them here.