Meet Lisa Chandler, who teaches Science and Social Studies to 6th grade students at Plainfield Community Middle School (PCMS). Lisa has been a fixture In Plainfield as a PCMS teacher for 20 years, plus time at Plainfield Christian Church’s preschool and Saint Susanna prior to that.
In addition to her classroom duties, Lisa can be found with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Junior Optimist, both groups that she sponsors.
When asked about the best part of her daily work, she said “I love my time in the classroom with the kids. I love my curriculum. I feel like I get to take them to some exciting places they have never been before, such as ancient Greece and Rome.”
Given ample time to pursue interests outside school, Lisa would love to travel to all the places she teaches about, with Rome topping the list.
Lisa added, “Today’s youth can be very fun, imaginative and thoughtful. I love their curiosity and desire to learn new and interesting things.”
About PCMS
Enrollment by year:
6th Grade: 403
7th Grade: 456
8th Grade: 418