Meet Matt Craig, who teaches Chemistry at Plainfield High School. Matt has spent 20 years in the classroom, with three years in Plainfield and 17 years at Avon High School. Matt also coaches high school cross country and track.
When asked about his favorite role at Plainfield, Matt replied, “teaching AP Chemistry, and coaching my son, Sam, in Track.”
Stripes would seem to be a staple in Matt’s wardrobe, as he has done a lot of officiating in his time. In fact, given more free time, you might find him refereeing college football, umpiring high school baseball, or running up and down a high school basketball court. Clearly, sports and young people are important to Matt!
Matt shared this great reminder: “Anything worth doing will take a lot of time and work - it will not be easy.” We’re guessing that many students don’t find Chemistry easy, but with Mr. Craig leading the way, it all falls into place.
About PHS
Building opened: Fall 2008
Enrollment by year:
9th Grade: 432
10th Grade: 403
11th Grade: 426
12th Grade: 431
PHS offers AP science courses in Chemistry, Physics 1 and 2 and Biology, as well as Honors Anatomy and PLTW (Project Lead-the-Way) Biomedical Science