Seventeen years after 9/11, most students have no real memory of the events that unfolded as our world changed. But thanks to the efforts of our elementary teachers and principals, they are having conversations that include the history and compassion that grew out of that day.
On Tuesday, students at Brentwood, Central and Van Buren elementary schools welcomed first responders and active-duty and veteran military personnel to participate in a "High Five for Heroes" parade through their schools. Just after the start of the school day, the guests were led through the hallways by Boy and Girl Scouts, with flag-waving students eagerly holding out their hands for high-fives.
At Clarks Creek, the program takes place at the end of the school day, with a parade through Town Hall that includes thank you cards and drawings for the many special guests.
Once the final bell rings, all 956 students exit in silence, with each class led by a student carrying a flag as they exit the building. Students are expected to hold their silence as they ride home, reflecting on the history and the sacrifices made years ago, and even today.
Thank you to the many active-duty and veteran members of our military, and to our police, fire and EMT friends and neighbors. Your bravery, sacrifices, and willingness to protect us does not go unnoticed.