I am thrilled to announce that this morning we learned that we are again a FOUR STAR SCHOOL!\r\n
\r\nCongratulations to all of our staff and students for earning this distinction through all of your hard work!
See more info from the DOE here. \r\n
\r\nCurrent Four Star School Criteria\r\n
\r\n- A school must have received an “A” school for the previous school year\r\n
- A school must have tested at least 95% of students on ISTEP English/Language Arts and Math.\r\n
- Grade 3-8 Combined ISTEP Pass Percentage (Pass Percentage of English/Language Arts ISTEP+ + Pass Percentage of Math ISTEP+) must be in Top 25th Percentile for each grade tested. (minimum of 10 students)\r\n
- Grade 3-8 Percent Passing Both ISTEP (Percent of students who passed both the English/Language ISTEP + and Math ISTEP +) must be in the Top 25th Percentile for each grade tested. (minimum of 10 students)\r\n