CSforGood--Third Graders Travel to Statehouse for Competition Finals

To celebrate National Computer Science Week, 3 third graders at Clarks Creek Elementary presented their project, “Learning Fun” in the finals of the NexTech CSforGood competition. This project, which they had to work on outside of class time because they’re not in the same class, combines programs that they use in class every day with activities and games. Their sponsor, Mrs. Erin Bangel, helped the students when they needed it, but their website idea, design, and building was all theirs. 

These students said that sometimes when a teacher puts up a link to a program on the board, they can’t always spell the link correctly. This solves that problem and keeps them in compliance with the technology department, while also giving students access to educational fun and resources. 

To check out “Learning Fun”, click here: https://sites.google.com/plainfield.k12.in.us/cslearningfun/home

Once their site was created, they submitted it to NexTech’s CSforGood competition. CSforGood was founded with the intention that students from elementary, middle and high schools will submit a technology project that they created to demonstrate how computer science can be used for good when applied to real problems that affect their schools and communities. In the Elementary Division, our Clarks Creek students faced 3 other teams in the competition finals. 

Judges from the computer science and tech world spoke to all competitors, asking question about their design-thinking process. 

While our students didn’t win the competition, they created life-long skillsets that will continue to be utilized. Additionally, they hadn’t even completed their project for this year before they were talking about what they want to do for next year! 

We’re constantly “Bringing Joy to Learning” and these students certainly enJOYed this exciting competition!