It may still be January, but schools are preparing for the coming school year! In fact, if you have a preschool-aged child, you should watch our video about Little Quakers Academy; we'd love to have you join our family! Registration begins February 1!
Please join us for the next Quaker Conversations event! October 5th, 6 pm at the Administration Building (985 Longfellow Drive). This is a great opportunity to ask questions of our School Board and administrators. More details will be shared as we approach the date.
Get those smiles ready! Tomorrow (Wednesday, Sept. 9) is school picture day at Clarks Creek! Don't forget to send in your forms to order, or place your order online at with our picture day ID: EVTSVQQDZ. #saycheese
Have you signed up your kindergarten student for our quick screening process yet? If not, click here to do so:
Our team is ready to give you back the items from your desk and locker! Make sure to check the Parent Square message from yesterday for details on which door to come to (alphabetical by last name), and we’ll hope to see you today or tomorrow! Hours are 9-noon and 1-4 p.m.
Book Fair Continues! Tomorrow is the last day for the book fair, but, tonight you can come and purchase books in your pajamas! The fair is open 6:15-8:30 tonight. Come and check out the great selection!
Tonight's the night! Our first grade friends show off their talents in art and music! Shows are at 6:30 (Back, Markowitz and Stringer) and 7:30 (Broughton, Cade and Zeronik). Students should arrive 15 minutes before the performances. Check out the art show before/after!
Huge shout of thanks to @aldrichpediatr1, @aldrichpd for sharing your time and knowledge with the kindergarten students from @ccquakers. I was SO impressed with all they knew about brushing and flossing, and which foods are better than others for healthy teeth! #QuakerFaces
School counselors are helping students become better humans, every day. Have you
thanked your child's #SchoolCounselor? Join us as we celebrate National School Counseling Week
(2/3–7) #NSCW2020
Congratulations to our Battle of the Books school champions, the Pancakes! We are so proud of this team and ALL of the teams who read the Young Hoosier Book Award nominees and competed in a tournament to test their knowledge of each book’s content. Their hard work was certainly evident and they did themselves proud! #CCreaders #WeLoveAGoodBook
The CC QuakerBots robotics team is in action today in their first competition of the year! They are amazing!! #CCSTEM
Due to weather conditions, all practices, clubs, and after school events have been canceled for today, Monday, December 16th. Be safe!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our CC students and families! We are all very thankful for you!
Clarks Creek staff has gone #RedforEd today! #GoRedForEd #WeLoveOurTeachers
Menus changed today! Check out the new breakfast and lunch choices for November-February here!
Happy Halloween from all of us at Clarks Creek! If you have kids trick-or-treating tonight, remind them to “put safety first” like we do each day at school!
Happy 50th day of school, @ccquakers!
Just a few more days until this Fall's #QuakerConversations! Monday evening, 6 pm in the Administration Bldg (Door #2). Your chance to ask the School Board whatever it is that's on your mind. We sure hope you will join us!
Special thanks to our Plainfield #Burlington store for their generous $1,000 donation! Mrs. Donovan is holding one of the robots purchased with this donation. Thanks, Burlington!
At Clarks Creek just moments ago, Bus 40 & Bus 11 had a slight bump in the parking lot. No one was hurt, but out of an abundance of caution, their departure has been delayed. Mr. Shepard will be contacting the families of those bus students immediately. #SafetyFirst #PRIDE